St Augustine Day 1
St Augustine
Mile Marker 780
We got up early this morning. Definition of early is 6 in the morning. But, I guess it was necessary to get to the marina before dark. Maybe. Anyway, the morning was pretty uneventful, consisting of breakfast, school work, and reading. Oh yes, and we got to Florida sometime around 10:30 or so, and celebrated by eating an orange… or three... It was raining during the morning and was really yucky and humid and why am I going on about the boring part of the day???
Well, after lunch, mom decided
– with some persuasion from her amazing daughter- that we needed to properly
celebrate Florida with some ice cream and homemade chocolate sauce. All rights
of chocolate sauce reserved for dad.
When we had gotten into said marina-very
uneventful docking- we rushed to take showers. Except for mom who deemed
herself sparkly enough to forgo the showers and do stuff on wifi. Now, this may be a very nice marina, but they
need to do better job on the showers. My shower had a giant wad of hair on the
wall. I tried to refrain thinking how and why it was there. Then we went to a
restaurant right beside the marina, Santa Maria or something like that. It was
right over the water- something I discovered after very careful observations-,
and had hatches right beside the tables in the wall that opened right up to the
water below. And in the water below, they
had massive schooled of channel catfish that would just swim around the building. And you could feed them. They would actually
bring out a specific bread basket for the little fishies. Now, these schools
would get so thick it looked like you could walk on them. And believe me, it’s very disturbing to look
down the hatch and see a gazillion little- big actually- mouths complete with
whickers swimming around.
(sahara looking down the Trap Door) (hundreds of Catfish looking at you)
Close up of one fish. About12-15 inches long Close up of Catfish looking at you. See whiskers!
Now for food; dad got
blackened mahi mahi, Devon got a burger, mom got a never ending skewer of
shrimpies, and I got coconut shrimp. And it was all very tasty, but it was also
just as entertaining to throw stuff down the hatches and watch the catfish go
crazy as a coconut. Or should I say coconuts.
Anyway, my curiosity was piqued on to what the catfish would actually
eat. The conclusion is anything and everything, from the French fry and lettuce
sandwich to the lemon slice stolen from the other table behind us. As it turns out,
lemon skin is not poisonous, as Detective Saharas discovered. I admit, I was not
completely awake during diner.
annoying thing was- at least with my hatch- was that there was a pole right up
against the opening, complete with barnacles and oysters. So when someone was
not careful, or did not look where they were dropping stuff, the food would get
caught on the pole. Now, remember I said I was not completely awake? Well, by
the end of diner I still had my bowl of coleslaw, and I didn’t want it to get
wasted or appear rude. So I unobtrusively dumped it down the hatch, without
looking at what I was doing… And well, it just so happens that I robbed the
catfish of a great meal while simultaneously making it appear that a pterodactyl
took a poo on the pole…. Good thing it’s
raining now! Maybe tomorrow we will kayak over to the water by the restaurant and
stick our fingers in the water. Then the catfish will decide of little kids
fingers are tasty.
In : ICW Travels