First Adventure
Posted by Bryan on Tuesday, September 17, 2013
We finally cut our ties to land and sailed away. We had a beautiful sunset our first night. A short trip out into the river, nice, safe, protected location. The next morning, we went to Obersons to fuel up. 90 gallons later we were off. We learned a few things on this trip. One, the boat can't back up in a straight line to save our lives. I went down the wrong dock way to get to the fuel dock and had to back up. Not a very pretty sight, but nothing was hit, and we did not go aground.
We tackled 4-5 foot seas after rounding Point Lookout and headed North. The winds were out of the North at 15-20 knots, (Apparent was 20-25). We had some big splashes over the large waves.
total Trip was 45 miles, about 7 hours of travel, including fueling up.
Fun to see 2 inches of water come over the bow as we plowed through some large waves. (I can only say that after I am now on dry land).
But the boat came through the adventure very well. We learned about things that need to be tied down, a few leaks to fix, and that the dodger and bimini are fantastic! We were nice and dry from the spray, and there was A LOT of spray. The boat goes through the big waves very nicely.
We all slept well after a good dinner out. No body wanted to cook. Now to get the fridge fixed.