This is our second time here and it was a very peaceful anchorage, we even saw one of the boats that we saw last time. when we were at Cumberland island, we had to row against a very strong current, around at 2 knots. we first went around a long trail to see the horses and there was a lot of spanish moss.

When we got to the horses, there were only two so we thought that the horse people must have took the people somewhere else. as we moved on to the beach, we found out that it was low tide from the long distance it was from the walk to the water and i found out that the water was 74 degrees Fahrenheit. There was a cool sandbar half way along the beach and since it was shallow it had warmed up, so we called it the hot-tub.

 after a bit of playing in the water i got stung by a jelly fish, it was a cannonball and it hurt allot. 



Leaving in the morning, we saw a Submarine.  If we had been an hour later, we could have sailed next to another that was coming in the canal.